Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Carpe Diem – Sept 22/23

Carpe Diem: Seize the Day…

What does that mean to you specifically…

To me, it means living life to the fullest.

We have heard the term all our lives and then in 1989 the movie Dead Poets Society – utilized this phrase and most people refer to it now in context with that movie.

In looking at it from my experience or my definition – living life to its fullest.

This odd little expression keeps me in check when I am at a crossroads, when I am struggling, when I am happy.  It is the saying in my mind to keep me going in the direction that I want to go in.

With living life to the fullest in mind, it helps me when making decisions.

Questions to Ponder:

What does Carpe Diem mean to you?

Is it an expression that you have thought about?

Does it create an atmosphere of change for you?

Have you seen Dead Poets Society?

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