Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Honesty – Sept 5/23

Honesty:  On a scale of 1-10, what level of honesty would you put yourself at with others? With yourself?

I call it one degree off…

It only takes a moment to slip into that one degree – a quick, simple, easy white lie and then you’re in it.

One degree off starts out that way, but as it goes on, it turns into 5 degrees and then 10 degrees and so on – it has a tendency to grow. 

You don’t tend to notice, until you are way off course and then it is hard to get back to the start.

One way of staying on the easier, less confusing course is to just be honest, with yourself first and others second.

This way, you don’t have to try to remember what you have told to who to keep up the charade.

Being honest at sometimes can be hard but in the long run, it leads to a more joyful life.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you consider yourself an honest person?

How high a value do you put on honesty with yourself and others?

How much do you value other people’s honesty?

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