Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Survival Skills – July 24/23

Survival Skills:  On a scale on 1-10 where would you rate yourself on a survival test?

If you were dropped in the middle of a thick forest, far away from civilization, how would you fair?

Questions to Ponder:

What would you use for tools?

What would you eat?

How would you find water?

Can you trap, hunt, or fish?

What would you make for shelter?

Can you make a fire?

How well do you know directions?

How long would you survive?

How would you cope mentally? Physically? Emotionally? Spiritually?

What would your fears be?

Have you ever thought of your survival skills?

What first aid information do you know, if you got hurt?

We have grown so accustomed to our modern conveniences that we get upset if the power goes out for a couple of hours and we can’t continue watching our movie or tv show!

It is interesting to think about survival skills and what you would do…also what have your taught your children?

Survival skills are an asset, having anything is better than nothing.  It is also the mindset of being able to look at things and come up with a solution instead of freaking out and sitting down doing nothing.

Take your kids out to the wilderness and spend some time exploring and thinking about a different life, teach them something, learn something together – enjoy the experience and journey!

If you don’t have kids, go out there by yourself or with others and experience the woods and see what you learn about yourself!

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