Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Acidic vs Alkaline – July 3/23

Acidic vs Alkaline

This is something I have struggled with over the last five years.

My tell that I am too acidic is heartburn.  If I have heartburn for a few days, my throat actually gets sore.  I used to think that I was getting a cold and would up my vitamin C and then I would lose my voice as it would make me more acidic.

Now I recognize the signs and have taken a lot of precautions as having an acidic environment creates a perfect atmosphere for Cancer to grow.

I have changed my eating habits a bit to try to eliminate the acidity in my body as much as possible, as the food we eat tends to be more on the acidic side than the alkaline side.

Here are a few links to gain further understanding on this point.

So, I changed a lot of things but was still struggling with being acidic.

Then, a friend and I were talking and he asked what water I drank.  I grabbed my bottled water and showed him and he mentioned that I should test my water.

I went to the local health store and talked with them about what options were the best for creating an alkaline environment and they suggested adding liquid chlorophyll to my water.

So, we tested our tap water, bottled water, added the chlorophyll and tested them both again.

I was and still am a little shocked that the bottled water came out more acidic.  Actually, the tap water came out better on many levels to my surprise.  We had switched to bottled water a few years ago when making these changes and were drinking a lot more water. 

So, we have just started a new regimen of drinking tap water instead and adding the liquid chlorophyll.  After a day and a half, my sore throat has gone away

Questions to Ponder:

What environment is your body currently sitting in?

Are you aware of acidity vs alkalinity? Will you make some changes to your current eating habits?

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