Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Colloidal Silver – July 2/23

Colloidal Silver:

Around 1998 my dad had a little pimple like thing above the knuckle on his ring finger.  When he squeezed it, it started to spread.  The next day a portion of his hand turned purple.  The day after that almost his whole hand turned purple…

After visiting the doctor, he found out it was a type of flesh eating disease that could only be contracted at the hospital and he hadn’t been to or near the hospital in years.  My dad has been the epitome of health, growing up I saw him have the flu for one day, a cold for 2 and kidney stones.  That was it.

He underwent all the treatment and nothing seemed to help.  It kept spreading, his hand was turning numb and he was starting to lose mobility.  Good friends of my parents gave him a bottle of colloidal silver liquid and told him to rub it on his hand a few times a day. 

Dad did that diligently and over time (a couple of weeks) it started getting better.  The flesh color was coming back into his hand, he had more feeling and his mobility returned. 

Since then, I have kept that in my house and used it for many different ailments; skin ailments, healing wounds, for a cold, flu, sinus infection, as an antibacterial / antiviral, it healed up my daughter’s acne, and I’ve even used it on my cat for his eye and ear infection.

It is another essential item I always have in my household.

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