Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Divorce – June 8/23

Divorce:  This is a touchy subject as everyone deals with this differently based on their own personal experiences, past and current circumstances.

It is one of those subjects that many people have been through, too many really.  It is something you don’t wish on anyone to experience.

I have said it is kind of like a death but worse because there is no finalization to it.  It is the death of hopes and dreams, plans and stories, the end of a certain story that started out with the most beautiful of intentions.  Even for the person who decided to end the relationship – they go through different stages of mourning as well.

My one wish for the people that go through this, is that they could deal with it in more of a business transaction way versus so emotional.  Usually there is a lot of hurt and emotions involved which creates a lot of drama, hurtful words and actions, anger, resentment and bitterness. 

This environment is so unfair to all involved, especially the children.  They tend to end up in a tug of war – unfortunately.  It is very hard on the kids, even when it is a more civil experience.  Please think of the children when going through this.  You are both their parents – please be respectful of that information and relationship.

Try not to involve the children in the whole process and put their needs and emotions ahead of yours – they are your precious gifts from the relationship and deserve to be valued and cherished – not manipulated and having to take sides.

Of course, there are always different issues that come into effect, and I recognize and realize that - all I am wanting to mention is try your best to take the emotion out of it and be fair for your children.

Points to Ponder:

Don’t let your hatred for each other overpower the love for your children.

Forgive – not because they deserve it but because you deserve peace. 

Self-Care is a very important part of this – please see Self-Care Wheel & Medicine Wheel under My Health Journey tab.

Remember there are some good memories, some good times.

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