Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip – Hardware Upgrade – May 26/23

Hardware Upgrade:   With technology, it is ever changing.  Our PC’s are good for about 5 years of life.  It is a machine that works roughly 8-10 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week and we expect them to work every day all day without fail….But they do fail, and they do come to the end of their life cycle.

Instead of forking out two to three thousand dollars or more per machine, why not look into PC as a Service (PCaaS) or Device as a Service (DaaS).  There are different companies to choose from when going this route and it has many benefits. 

It is a low monthly fee, the contract is usually a 3 year term and then they change out the computer and you start over, so every few years, you will have a new machine and won’t be dealing with aging devices that you end up storing and having a computer graveyard in your business establishment.  It is basically like leasing the computer.

They have different options and it is a very affordable option with many perks and benefits.  The company I am most familiar with that does this is Dell, but Lenovo and other companies offer this service.

This is not just leasing a PC, it also comes with deployment services, support services, financing options – it’s a nice package.

Here are a few links that provide some information and reasons why looking into this may be beneficial for your business.




Information and Reasons Why:

Questions to Ponder:

How old is your current hardware?

Would this be beneficial to your company?

Would this ease your IT headaches?

Does this option make sense for you?

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