Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Healing – May 5/23

Healing:  We all heal at different rates depending on our past experiences, depending on how deep the hurt.

We need to be gentle and give us room to allow ourselves the time we need to completely heal from something.  Many people will have their own opinion and freely give it when we are going through our stuff.  They like to tell us we need to get over it or we should be over it by now – but it is not their life, their journey.

We need to work on our hurts a little bit at a time, not all at once, or it will never work.  Trying to work on too much of it at a time will be overload and it won’t get accomplished like we would like.

We will get little reminders that will take us back to that hurt and will allow us the opportunity to work on things.

I used to get upset when things would come around, I would think – I have been around this mountain how many times and I am back again.  Another expression I use is “it’s like shit on a wheel – it goes round and round”.

It used to frustrate me something fierce and I worked on it a small percentage (like 2%), then it would come round again and again and I would work on things little by little through my frustration.

It was only when I started to embrace things – my issue that I was dealing with and ask the question to God or the Universe or whatever you want to call it – “what am I supposed to learn this go round”.  Then and only then did things start moving faster and I started having better results.

Now whenever I have something that I am dealing with, I ask what I am to learn from it and it is smoother, faster and more in depth and jumps higher in percentage (more like 20%).  Then it comes around less, which is much nicer.

Questions to Ponder:

What are you dealing with?

How are you viewing it and dealing with it?

Does it frustrate you that it keeps coming round?

Try asking what you are to learn from it and see if it helps?

If you would like assistance and would like to delve into this further, please reach out to People Under Construction at  or contact

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