Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip – Autopilot Mode – Apr 24/23

Autopilot Mode - It is amazing and surprising to me how often we operate and function on autopilot on a daily basis.

 I have started to recognize this and shift from autopilot mode to manual mode to become more conscience and mindful of my what I am doing. 

If we stay on autopilot we tend to miss out on things as you tend to be numbed by your surroundings and goings on. 

Take time to start noticing when this is happening to you – on your drive to or from work or home, during meetings, cooking, during meals, during conversations, anything that we do regularly, etc. 

Check yourself and try to reconfigure your life to stay on manual mode instead of allowing yourself to exist / survive on autopilot! 

Otherwise, life will pass you by as you continue to stay in exist and survival mode – instead make the conscious decision to live and thrive!

Start living your life!

Questions to Ponder:

Are you living in Autopilot mode?

Are you coasting through this life just existing or surviving?

Are you living?

Are you thriving?

Everything is a choice…

Sometimes when we go through tough times it is hard to make that shift but you are worth it.  Find a way to create a thriving life.

Allow yourself to dream about it and go in that direction instead of mulling over your problems in your head – renew your mind!

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