Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip – Vision – Mar 22/23

This series that I had originally intended for the Personal Tips for the next few days pertained to the business world as well.  I have sometimes used the same tip for both Business and Personal but decided that this whole would be utilized for both tips.  They intermingle quite well and I would like to invite you to think of them on a personal level first and then a business level second.  This journey started on March 16/23 – so you know where to start…

Vision:  Just as companies tend to create Mission Statements, they also use Vision Statements.

A vision statement is a short description of an organization’s aspirations and the wider impact it aims to create.   

It should be a guiding beacon to everyone within the organization.  

A vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what is to come. 

I use these three questions when creating a Vision Statement:

  • What are our hopes and dreams? 
  • What problem are we solving for the greater good?
  • Who and what are we inspiring to change?

Now personalizing that…

What is the vision you had for your life when you were young?  What did you want to be when you grew up?  Did you accomplish it?  Are you even in that field?  Do you think about it?

Are you where you thought you’d be in life? 

I am half a century old and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I’m getting closer!

What are you passionate about?

If I could go back in time and give myself some advice, I would say “follow your dreams – do what excites you- the money will come and you will be fulfilled.”

Take time to create a vision board!  You will be glad that you did!

Read the book “The Secret” or watch the movie and see if that helps you to create a bit different future or perspective.

Life is too short to be unfulfilled.

Teach this to your kids – encourage their dreams, their passion and create a vision board with them throughout their lives and see how it changes.

My daughter has created 3 vision boards already and she is only 16.  She created her first one when she was 12.  Then she decided to make changes to it when she was 14.  Last year, one of her teachers decided to do one in one of her classes and she did very well because of the insight and experience she already had.  It also gave her a chance to share with her fellow students and elaborate on what a vision board is from her experience. It was pretty cool…

Questions to Ponder:

Are you fulfilled?

Are you passionate about where you are in life and what you are doing?

How can you get there?

What is on your vision board that differs from the direction where you were currently heading?

Does your workplace have a Vision Statement? 

Do you know what it is?

Are you in line with it?

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