Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business & Personal Tip / Opinion – We’re Back! – June 1/22

Good Morning!!

We are back – finally – it’s funny how you think these smaller jobs will take less time, when in actual fact, they are intricate and time consuming!

A lot has happened this past month:

We have had numerous Colorado lows with interesting storm patterns and weather – it brought severe wind and rain with each passing week – even some thunder storms.  In our area, we have fared the best really and have no complaints compared to other areas that are doing clean-up of downed trees, flooding issues and more.

I fell down the stairs in my antique house (steep staircase) and found out I don’t bounce back as quick anymore.  It knocked the wind out of my sails for a good three weeks… wow!  All is good though – I didn’t break anything – just stiff and sore and a little more humble!

A good friend passed away after a lengthy battle with their health.

Work has gotten busier but it’s great – I love what I do!

I can finally start working outside in my yard – I think spring is finally here!  We had a brutal winter and really no spring at all – it has been a year of weird weather and weather patterns – but now the sun is shining, leaves are finally showing themselves, flowers are starting to bloom and I am hoping for a beautiful summer to enjoy many hours tending to the earth in my yard while continuing to create my English garden out front and work on my gazebo out back!

Always a project!!

My family member got back from assisting our other family member far away that had the accident I mentioned in mid-March, and we have spent some wonderful quality time together, which has been really great.

So, now I have caught you up with happenings in my world!

Starting tomorrow – we will get back into the regular routine and sharing!

Have a wonderful day!

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