Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – Normalizing – Mar 28/22

Normalizing:  I am not sure where you reside in this world or how it was affected by the whole Covid chaos – here where I reside, things have started to relax for the first time in two years.  I am not sure things will ever get back to the way it was before, however, it is nice to see things coming back.

It has been a long two years of staying home.  Now, we can go out, socialize, have gatherings, live.  It just seems like life hit the pause button and things moved along but slowly.

Some good things came out of it:

  • - It got people to slow down – previously people were running from work and school to all sorts of activities every day and on weekends
  • - Most people I know have decided to stay on the slower side of chaos and not be so involved and busy
  • - It allowed others to get things done around their house and accomplish tasks that had been on the back burner for years because they were too busy helping others accomplish their tasks
  • - It gave people an opportunity to rest and relax while recognizing they need more of it
  • - It gave families a time to be together – not sure if we utilized the time wisely but it did give us the opportunity
  • What I have learned most about this time in history is that anything can change in a moment, whether we like it or not or agree with it or not.

Make the most of each moment. 

Take time for each other.

Live your life to the fullest.

Take control of your life and make it yours!

Be kind to others.

Respect each other.

Questions to Ponder:

What is the best thing about things going back to normal now for you?

What is the best thing you have learned over the last two years?

What will you incorporate into your life because of it?

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