Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Extreme Weather – Feb 12 & 13/22

Extreme Weather:  This winter, we have had some very different weather.  One day it is -45 with the wind chill, the next day it is +4 and melting. 

People have missed more work this year than in the past due to the extreme winter conditions in our area.  People are stuck at home, as they can’t get to work due to blizzard conditions, lack of visibility, extreme cold, freezing rain, etc.

People doing outdoor work have had a lot of time off, which affects their pay.

With the weather issues happening, it has also been quite exhausting – it tends to take a toll on us physically as well.

Most people have mentioned that they are more tired than usual and I feel it has something to do with the weather.  When the temperature fluctuates that much, over time it gets to you physically.

Also, when it has been cold for quite a few days, it is also tiring.  When your body is constantly trying to keep warm, it uses a lot of energy, which can be tiring in itself.

Make sure you are getting plenty of rest and take good care of yourself.

During this time, make sure you dress accordingly, have some extra items in your vehicle such as, shovel, cat litter, blanket, extra outer wear, water, snack and anything else that would be of assistance if you get stuck in your car.

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