Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Human Error – Feb 4/22

Human Error:  To err is human…

It is and has been an expression for years, and there is truth in it!

In every position that I have held, I have looked into this little saying and looked for areas that we can cause errors.  I do my best to minimize the human error risk by setting up procedures, systems, processes, checklists, and creating an environment for the least amount of risk as is possible.

I also simplify things as much as possible, to make it easier on everyone to do and remember.  A lot of the procedures, processes and checklists I make up tend to be in a flow chart style – again for more ease for everyone and definitely more flow.  I do not like beaver dams when working, they slow things down and cause frustration which can lead to more human error.

I also like to have fun – lots of fun.  I joke around a lot, laugh and try to make my work environment a more enjoyable place to be.

You spend more time at work than anywhere else, why not make it a fun, enjoyable place to be!

Keeping things neat, organized and clean in your work space, can also assist with less human error as you will be able to find things and keep on top of things instead of possibly missing something important because you couldn’t find it or didn’t know where it was.

When something happens and it is on the side of human error – I acknowledge that, own it to my employees, employer and clients if need be and do up a lessons learned (I created a form that I use for this) that keeps everyone in the loop and then use it as an example that others can learn from, so we won’t make that error again.

We are human and we will make mistakes – lots throughout our lifetime, but if we don’t acknowledge and own them, we will make them over and over again.  Learn from them and move on to the next learning experience!

I have learned more from failing than I ever learned from succeeding.

Questions to Ponder:

Do you own your mistakes?

Do you learn from them and try not to repeat them?

Are you accepting and understanding of others mistakes?

Are you accepting and understanding of your own?

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