Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Worker Shortage – Jan 21/22

Lack of Workers:  As people are getting short on employees (and some companies are), please remember that honesty is the best policy.

Exaggerating or being dishonest, to get the employees to come on board or sign up, may get the employee in the door, but it may not keep them, in fact it will not keep them, it will turn them off and they will leave – disgruntled.

Unfortunately, many companies are starting to get desperate for workers and are making decisions that is definitely not long term thinking or long term solutions.

I understand that they may have deadlines to meet, obligations, etc., but when you are dishonest, morale is low, which will also create an atmosphere of people leaving and going elsewhere.

Then, with less people, there is more workload for the people that are there and it piles up and can be exhausting and stressful, again creating an environment where people will look elsewhere and leave.

In this stressful time, try to maintain integrity, and honesty.  Do your best to create an atmosphere where people want to be.  

Talk to your employees, someone else may have a totally different perspective and idea that might just benefit the overall outcome.

Give your employees the respect that you want them to have for you and your company.

Questions to Ponder:

Are your business decisions keeping with the long term vision and goals?

Are you discussing some things with your employees and getting their input?

Would that be beneficial?

How is morale at your work place? What needs to happen to make change?

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