Business Tip or Opinion of the Day

Business Tip / Opinion – Ups & Downs – Jan 20/22

Ups & Downs in Business:  In business, it is natural to have its ups and downs.  During different times in history, certain types of businesses have struggled and others have thrived.

For example, how many people would have thought 2 years ago that companies that made face masks would be thriving?

So, which category does your business fit into?

Are you sinking, swimming or just keeping your head above water?

Is there something you can change so that you are in the swimming / thriving category?

What does your 6 month plan look like, your 1 year plan and possibly your 5 year plan?

Sometimes, it can be beneficial to bring in a third party company to brainstorm and consult.  Having a different perspective from a complete stranger that has a different POV can be very beneficial.

If you are looking for a trustworthy consulting company, take a look at Customized Business Essentials –  

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