Personal Tip or Opinion of the Day

Personal Tip / Opinion – Grace – Jan 18/22

Grace:  Grace has many different meanings if you look it up.  I am utilizing the below definition in this case.

When looking it up, it tends to have a religious connotation and there are many spiritual references, and scriptures that one can look up and many of these have been quoted in books, articles, magazines and even in movies.

Grace, however, is a word that is not just used in the Biblical sense.  It is something that we can extend to ourselves and others.

It isn’t something that comes naturally.  It is something that takes effort to have grace.  It is something that we learn and teach.  It is something that we need to be able to give to others as well as ourselves. 

As we start to make the effort to have grace for ourselves and others, and put it into practice, it can become a habit.

Here are some links to review:

Questions to Ponder:

What is your definition of grace?

Have you experienced grace from a superior, loved one or even a stranger?

Have you given someone grace?

Are you gracious to yourself?

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